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Sunless Tanning Options

Enjoy our Mystic Spray Booth that is truly a phenomenal option for sunless tanning or allow us to custom airbrush you with our Norvell solution. Our Norvell airbrush options are by appointment only and are truly the best sunless sprays in the industry. Norvell is the original creator of all things sunless and their products are truly superior to any other sunless option.
For best results: Please ensure before you come in for your sunless spray that you exfoliate your skin with a good exfoliating scrub. Scrubbing off the 1st layer of skin allows for a fresh surface for the spray to set into your pours. Please make sure that you do not wear any perfume, make-up, or deodorant to your session as these products can counter react with the DHA in the sunless spray.
After your sunless spray please wait a minimum of 7 to 10 hours before you shower. The longer you wait to use soap on your skin the longer your sunless spray will last. Do not swim, sweat, or go to the gym within 12 hours of getting your sunless spray. Stay out of the rain as this may cause streaking.
Our Mystic processes within 4 to 6 hours and can last up to 5 to 7 days with proper care and the Norvell custom spray can last 7 to 10 days.
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